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July 2017 15


Worship. Work. Minist


Service. Craftsmanship. In our

time and culture, we’ve defined

each of those concepts differ-

ently, so that each needs its own

distinct word in the English lan-

guage. It’s become common, then,

to think of worship as something

you do on Sunday; work is what

occupies your time Monday

through Friday during business

hours; ministry is something

clergy does; service is a Saturday

spent volunteering with Habitat

for Humanity; and craftsmanship

is an artist’s trade.

In ancient Hebrew, however,

there was one word to describe

all of these concepts, and that

word was avodah.

It’s used by God first in Gen-

esis 2:15: “The Lord God took the

man and put him in the Garden

of Eden to work (avodah) it and

take care of it.

It is used in Psalm 104:23





“Then man goes out to his work

(avodah), to his labor until eve-


It is used in Exodus 8:1 to de-

scribe worship: “This is what the

LORD says: Let my people go, so

that they may worship (avodah)


It appears in Joshua 24:15 as

the word for service: “But as for

me and my household, we will

serve (avodah) the Lord.”

The ancients knew the

seamlessness. Your work is your

ministry, and it’s also a primary

way you worship God. Crafts-

manship is to be done in service

to others. It’s all one. This is how

God made the world. And I sub-

mit that it’s the church’s role to

help people uncover the seam-

lessness, or the continuity, that

we are made for avodah.

Going into Ministry

Recently, I heard a pastor tell

the story of a financial advisor

who came to him and said, “Pas-

tor, I’m leaving my job and going

into the ministry!” The pastor de-

cided to mess with him, and said,

“Oh, you mean the financial min-

istry? That’s wonderful!” Sure, he

probably confused and frustrat-

ed that parishioner, but he was

trying to drive home the idea of

avodah and the seamlessness of

work and worship.

Avodah means it’s not just

a financial industry; it’s a finan-

cial ministry. In this case, what

if more people in the financial

industry asked, “How can I lever-

age my calling to see more justice

and equity in my community?

How can I do my work with ex-

cellence (which is craftsmanship)

so that it honors God (which is

worship) and those who have

entrusted me to steward their fi-

nances (which is service)?”

Avodah breaks down the

walls between faith and work,

sacred and secular. It reminds us

that work was instituted before

the Fall, before there was ever the

need for redemption or a church.

God put humans in a garden and

said, “Get to avodah.”

Why Work?

I love how Dorothy Say-

ers stated it in her classic essay,

“Why Work?”

“The Church’s approach to

an intelligent carpenter is usu-

ally confined to exhorting him

not to be drunk on Saturdays,

and to come to church on Sun-

days. What the Church should

be telling him is this: that the

very first demand that his Chris-

tianity makes upon him is that he

should make good tables. Sure,

go to church by all means — but

what use is all that if in the very

center of his life and occupation

he is insulting God with bad car-

pentry? What is Christian work?

The only Christian work is good

work well done. As we are so we

make. It is the business of religion

to make us Christian people, and

then our work will naturally be

turned to Christian ends, be-

cause our work is the expression

of ourselves.”

Made to Flourish

As pastors, how do we un-

cover this kind of work for our

people? Through Church Unit-

ed’s continual resourcing of pas-

tors, I’m excited to join Made

to Flourish, a new resource for

pastors launching in this com-

munity. Made to Flourish exists

to help pastors learn how to con-

nect faith, work and economics

so they can disciple their people

better to live for Christ in all ar-

eas of life and advance the com-

mon good. They do this through

online resources, learning com-

munities and access to thought

leaders. The network offers tools

to infuse the concept of avodah

into corporate worship, disciple-

ship practices, pastoral practices

and sermons.

The church faces an enor-

mous challenge ahead as we

watch more and more people

in our culture drift away from

organized religion, viewing the

church as more irrelevant and

disconnected from everyday life.

But what if the church was part

of the seamlessness? What if

church was connecting Sunday

faith to Monday work? I know

many churches are working to-

wards that already, and I hope to

join them in this endeavor, learn

from them, and collaborate with


Seamlessly Defining Worship,Work,

Ministry, Service and Craftsmanship

- Brad Schmidt -

Lead Pastor of City-

Church Fort Lauderdale