Good News - July 2023

VILLAGE HYMNS 36 JULY 2023 Good News • South Florida Edition There’s nothing more beautiful when God meets us in big ways. God can show up with big miracles, moving mountains and breaking walls that keep people from knowing Him and it’s an incrediblework whenHe does. However, in our loud, fast paced culture, we sometimes miss the moments that are equally as powerful, groundbreaking and life changing; it’s in the moments that we are still. Oftentimes it’s in the stillness where the deep things of our soul are revealed before God and we begin to let the Holy Spirit renew the things that are normally buried in the Busy. Still Vol. 1 by Calvary Music is a collection of songs that seeks to create an environment for people to bring stillness to their own hearts and provide language and worship for them to meet with God in the secret places. Written by our worship leaders at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, we went through a season of being honest with our own hearts and authentically realizing we need stillness in our own lives in the busy schedules of ministry. Writing from that place allowed us to create from a place of authenticity, where all of the songs are written from the perspective of seeking God in the still places. Worth it All Specifically, our song “Worth itAll,” was written froma place of experiencing physical exhaustion and yet being spiritually fulfilled as wewere planting seeds and growing people in our region. It was written after a longweek of ministry wheremost of our team was putting in extra hours during the week for a large event at our church and we were seeing people turning to the beauty of Jesus. At the end of the week, we still had more events, more services and more people to minister to and we were exhausted and yet fulfilled all at the same time. It left us in this strange place where our flesh desired comfort, but our spirits wanted Jesus to do more in our region. The phrase that simply was birthed from this dichotomy was just, Jesus “You are worth it all.” The first line that formed the song is found in the first verse: “When I’m tilling and planting seed When I’m tired and growing weak It’s still my pleasure to give my life Because in my weakness You’re glorified” Our hearts are reminded of the beauty of the gospel that when we are weak, He is strong. That when we feel lifeless, His resurrection life sustains us. That we find life when we lay ours down, regardless of the cost or what it looks like. Planting seeds The reality of the song is that for anyone that has been called a Son or Daughter of God, we all have this call to reproduce the kingdom of God in people. Some of you have been planting seeds for a few days, some of you have been planting seeds for dozens of years. Some of you have seen breakthroughs in people's lives, and some of you have seen the seeds snatched up and bear no fruit. Regardless of the fruitfulness or the fruitlessness of reproducing the kingdom of God, we can all say that it’s “Worth it All,” because for the one that finds Jesus as King, all of those days or years of planting, tilling and toiling over that seed suddenly becomes worth it. Our strength is restored in that place; our hope is restored in that place. So this song is really for anyone that is tired and worn out from planting seeds. Maybe you’re seeing fruit, maybe you’re not seeing fruit. Our prayer is that youwould find rest and renewal in the presence of Jesus through being reminded of how worthy He is. As you listen to Still Vol. 1, our heart is that you would be ushered into God’s presence where you will find rest for your souls, truth that will bring energy and life, and an assurance of who you are, that you are beloved and empowered towalk inHis kingdom that will transform the world. This articlewas written by TimEhrhart, CreativeDeveloper at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, in collaboration with Conner Henderson and Zach Reynolds. If you’re a worship leader interested in getting involved with Village Hymns, please email [email protected] or visit our website at - Tim Ehrhart - Creative Developer, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Each month we’ll be sharing a song created by local worship leaders. Our Song of the Month “Worth It All” is available on Spotify, iTunes, and Apple Music. When God Meets Us in Big Ways