Good News - July 2023

e p f r t t Since publishingmy first book last year, MinisterWell: 52 Tools forMinistry Leaders, my mind is full of more book outlines! My next book will challenge and encourage Christians to choose to live abundantly in every circumstance (à la John 10:10). Heather Clark, Ph.D., licensed psychologist, speaker, author Reading history and factual accounts about people including biographies as well as countries is one of my favorite pastimes. My life story is already in the process. It’s difficult to write. I pray it will be a help for others who are or have experienced similar things. God is so good, and He has blessed me!! That is why I want to share!! Helen Wayner P.A., Century 21 Hansen Realty I would like to share the lessons that God has taught me through the adventures of my life. For example, God is more qualified to run your life than you are. Jesse Carroccio, Station Manager, WRMB Moody Radio God has made our world an incredible place, and as part of that, there are lots of things we don't fully understand. I'd probably lean into the unknown and write an imaginative sci-fi story that combines lots of fringe science and strange accounts from across the world. Justus Martin, Photographer, Justus Martin Photo My title would be Life! I would write about the simple joys that we are blessed with (marriage, children, health). I'd also write about the "turbulence" we face as well. Through it all, the Lord brings us through. Larry Lacy, Pastor, The Answer Church If I were to write a book it would be entitled Why do Christians self-destruct? I have seen what I call "shooting stars" in the body of Christ. They start out strong but do not make it to the finish line. Over the years I have seen Christians not seek "wise counsel" and make decisions that will have adverse consequences in their lives. It is important that we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, follow the Word of God, and seek wise counsel for important decisions that we make over the course of our lives. Dr. Mary Drabik, President, South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary I have always been fascinated by the years immediately leading up to WWII, the war itself, and the aftermath, which included the founding of Israel as a nation. Herman Wouk wrote Winds of War and War and Remembrance, and Leon Uris wrote Exodus. Those books covered that very pivotal period in history most excellently. I could only hope to do so half as well, if I were an author. Mike McDermott, PA, Seniors Real Estate Specialist, The Keyes Company If I were to write a book, it would be about Jesus and how He did not come to save us “in” the world, but “from” this world. Christians are the only people on earth who fight from a position of victory. Who else can play a game and say, “the details of this game are not extremely important to me, because in the end, I already know I win.” Just reminding myself of that very fact, gets me fired up! Dr. Mike Rozenblum, Genesis Physical Medicine & Chiropractic My book would be about leading in a God-honoring manner. Everything rises and falls on leadership, so learning how to lead from our best example, Jesus Christ, is a recipe for success. It will result in success as a husband/wife, father/mother, businessperson, member of our society, or in any scenario we are facing. Milan Stefanovic, Chief Operations & Personal Lines Officer, Bass Underwriters If I were to write a book it would most likely be a historical novel or fictional book with clearly defined characters embarking upon a great journey. It would be full of adventure, filled with twists and turns, laced with humor, love and ending with a redemptive conclusion. Oksana Horton, Artistic Director, Torch and Trumpet Theatre Company If I were to write a book this summer, it would be the next book that I already planned to write in the very near future, which would be titled, The Role Of The Church In The 21st Century; which is cited inMatthew 28:19-20, where Christ Jesus told the church to “Go ye therefore and teach (instruct and make disciples of) all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” And when the church does this, that is to say, make disciples of the people for Christ Jesus’ sake, the people would with the help of the Holy Spirit stop sinning. They would come out of homosexuality, fornication, adultery, lying and all other sins. They would even stop aborting their babies. The church must understand that it is the church’s job, not the politicians, to help God maintain His righteousness in the earth. When the politicians attempt to do it, it causes much division and strife in the nation. The church’s role can never be and should not be delegated to the politicians and the government. O’Neal Dozier, Pastor, The Worldwide Christian Center If I had time to write a book, I would write about the amazing adventures and challenges that God has given me throughout my life. Some of what I would include would be to be married to the love of my life for 47 years, having the blessing of both an adopted child and a biological child that has so deeply enriched my life. I would have to include all themany humorous events, the poignantly sad and awe inspiringly beautiful times, and the continuous reading and learning about such a wide variety of subjects. I have been extremely grateful for the many times I have been able to lead in missions, ecumenical, corporate, and educational situations. Patricia Colangelo, EdS, Lecturer, Professor, Trinity International University – Florida Wants to Know… H. Collins Forman Craig Huston Deborah Cusick Dolores King St. George Elizabeth Mitchell Fidel Gomez Fred Scarbrough Gregg Wallick Heather Clark Helen Wayner Jesse Carroccio Justus Martin