Good News - August 2019 39 AUGUST 2019 OUT AND ABOUT Prayer Requested for Students Headed Back to School Back to School Prayer is a call to prayer across southeast Florida. Every church is encouraged to ‘pray over’ a First Priority school sometime in the month of August…the cam- pus, day and time to be de- termined by each congregation. The goal is for student missionaries, faculty sponsors, club men- tors, parents, pastors, and congregants to gather at the school flagpole for cor- porate prayer. If they’re not able to access the flagpole we suggest gathering by the main school sign along the road. The prayer team may either stay at that loca- tion or prayer-walk around the campus together. We are cautioning participants to be careful not to enter any areas off-limit to the public. These are core prayer focuses: Campus Safety – Pray- ing for God to protect the campus, for his angels to keep guard and against evil and the tactics of Satan. Spiritual Awakening – Praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, for the lost to be found and for the Gospel to grow and bear fruit. Student Missionaries – Praying for students to be salt and light, for them to make disciples and that they’ll invite friends to church. Administration and Faculty – Praying for unity on the school staff, for joy in their calling as educators and that teachers would speak truth. For more information, visit