Good News - March 2024

16 MARCH 2024 Good News • South Florida Edition PARENTING Easter is the most pivotal moment in our Faith, remembering the sacrifice our Heavenly Father made so that we may have a relationship with Him. This is an unimaginable sacrifice for us as parents to wrap our heads around. As Christians, teaching this to our children is necessary, but how? In the past we have talked about many ways for us to talk to our children about Easter. We have talked about the “Resurrection Eggs,” which help parents of small children walk through the Easter week in a creative and ageappropriate way. We have mentioned “Resurrection Rolls,” another age appropriate and hands on way to teach about the empty tomb. We have even talked about extending grace in our parenting. Intentionally using a moment where our child did not deserve grace, but we used it as a way for them to understand the magnitude of God’s grace for us. The power of “I’m sorry” There is another very simple but very powerful tool that we have in our arsenal as parents: “I’m Sorry.” This may seem strange to you but hear me out. You see the Bible teaches us in Romans 3:23, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard” (NLT). It seems that especially when they are little, children often see their parents as superheroes. In their little reality, we are “perfect.” For many reasons it is powerful for a parent to ask for their child’s forgiveness when they make a mistake. First, this teaches a child humility, that no one is above asking for forgiveness. It also is teaching, by example, a behavior we want them to emulate. How powerful for a boy to observe their father saying, “I’m sorry.” It also teaches children from an early age that we as parents are not perfect and indeed human. (A fact your teenager already knows and probably reminds you) This is an amazing opportunity for us to teach Romans 3:23. Not using this an excuse for our failure but as a way to share the gospel. “I need to apologize for the way I responded to you. It was not as kind as I would have liked.” Deeper conversations If this is a regular habit in your home (apologizing not unkindness), it sets you up for deeper conversations. Later that night sitting on the edge of your child’s bed, you take advantage of the scenario. “Remember how mommy had to apologize today? It’s something that I would like to talk to you about. You see mommy and daddy make mistakes. We mess up. In fact, the Bible tells us that we all make mistakes, and those mistakes keep us from God. Because God is perfect, he cannot be around our mistakes and mess ups, but that is why He sent Jesus. Jesus took all our mess ups with him on the cross and paid our consequence for us. That way we can have a relationship with God. This is what we are celebrating this month with Easter.” Our apologies can have a profound impact on our children. This not only teaches them that no one is above apologizing but gives us an opportunity to share the gospel. What a privilege it is to share the amazing thing God has done for us! Visit for more advice from Dr. Bob Barnes and Torrey Roberts. - Dr. Bob Barnes and Torrey Roberts - Sheridan House Family Ministries How a Simple Apology Can Demonstrate the Significance of Easter