Good News - November 2023

Les Feldman. I love his monthly editorial articles in the Good News, and he gets to spend one week a month in Branson, Mo. Gregg Wallick, President, Best Roofing, Inc. There is really no one I would trade places with. My life isn’t perfect, and neither am I. I’m forgiven and blessed with a beautiful family and friends. All the money in the world can’t buy happiness. My Joy comes from the Lord! In these crucial times, we need to love one another and share Christ with all we come into contact with. Helen Wayner P.A., Century 21 Hansen Realty If I could live one day in the life of Martin Luther King, it’d be the day he delivered the “I Have a Dream" speech because it was a day in history that has inspired an impact on human unity till today. Dr. Jessica Vera, President and CEO, Elite Foundation Since I love and also shoot lots of landscape photography, Ansel Adams, the acclaimed landscape photographer, came to mind. Yet I would prefer to spend a day as John Muir as he wandered around Yosemite National Park — before it was a park. His explorations and appreciation of nature is recorded as a great influence on President Teddy Roosevelt who went on to establish many protected areas of national forests and five national parks. Muir is reported to have said, “Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike." Justus Martin, photographer, Justus Martin Photo Of all the people that have ever lived, I think I would like to have been one of the apostles. Just to have been with Jesus would be enough for a lifetime. And it was more than enough for them. Larry Lacy, Pastor, The Answer Church I’d love to live the first day of Eve’s life, before the fall. Wouldn’t it be amazing to walk and talk with God almighty, and experience His majestic creation before sin entered the picture? WOW! Laura C. Bishop, Executive Vice President of Advancement, Palm Beach Atlantic University If I could live one day as someone else, it would be my grandmother. She passed away when I was a young girl and I think it would be interesting living in the times she did and how we think life may have been much simpler and easier. I often wonder what her life was like. Dr. Mary Drabik, President, South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary This question took a bit of thought. Though my life is not and has not been perfect, I wouldn’t want to be anyone else, even for a day. However, I would like to have been able to experience the feelings that Enoch and Elijah both had as they were taken to be with the Lord, fully alive. Talk about a “well done thou good and faithful servant” moment! That had to be the ultimate experience. Mike McDermott, PA, Seniors Real Estate Specialist, The Keyes Company It would be Joseph, the father of Jesus. So much was required of him early on (accepting the whole immaculate conception thing). But it would be amazing to be him or see on the day he realized it was all True... That his little Baby Son was indeed God incarnate... It gives me chills. Dr. Mike Rozenblum, Genesis Physical Medicine and Chiropractic Nothing of great value is ever done in only one day. So to enjoy the thrill of success one experiences is really only accomplished while going through the long and hard process of preparation. Therefore, the one day of someone’s life I would like to experience is when Paul met Jesus and his life was completely transformed. That incredible grace and unmerited favor is the same we all receive from our Lord Jesus Christ as believers. Milan Stefanovic, Chief Operations & Personal Lines Officer, Bass Underwriters If I could live one of the days of someone else’s life, I would want that person to be our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Living one day of Christ Jesus’ life would cause me to truly know Him more personally. As the apostle Paul desired to know Christ Jesus more personally, I desire the same. Also, to live one day of Christ Jesus’ life will show me the depth of His love for humanity, which would be quite awesome to experience. O’Neal Dozier, Pastor, The Worldwide Christian Center If I could walk in someone else’s shoes for one day, ( I say this with the utmost respect) I would want to walk 24 hours in the sandals of Jesus (even if I could just walk alongside Him for a day). Most of all, so I could FEEL with His heart, SEE with His eyes, HEAR with His ears, and THINK with His mind. I would be very interested to know how He would spend 24 hours in South Florida in 2023. I would be curious who He would talk to, how He would interact, how He would express His convictions, His passion, His love, and to know His tears and His laughter… and especially how he would interact with children. Coach Rick Andreassen, Founder/President, SAINTS International Sports Ministry and SAINTS Homeschool P.E. r a n Wants to Know… H. Collins Forman Craig D. Huston Don Campion Doug Sauder Elizabeth King Fidel Gomez Fred Scarbrough Gregg Wallick Helen Wayner Jessica Vera Justus Martin Larry Lacy