Good News - December 2023

Well, it’s hard to beat the classic Christmas movie of “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and my favorite quote from that movie is “Remember, no man is a failure who has friends." Romney C. Rogers, Managing Partner, Rogers Morris Ziegler LLP One of my favorite movie quotes comes from “Home Alone” when the young Kevin McCallister says, “You can mess with a lot of things, but you can’t mess with kids on Christmas.” I’ve always absolutely loved Christmas, from the time I was a boy (about Kevin’s age in the film) to today, when I can enjoy watching the joy and enthusiasm in my own boys’ eyes — something I’m eager to protect and savor. Dr. Scott Manor, President, Knox Theological Seminary My favorite quote from a Christmas movie is from the movie, “Elf” when the store manager tells Buddy the Elf that Santa is coming, he yells out with such excitement, “Santa, I know him!” The hilarious reaction reminds me of the excitement that we, as believers, should all have because of our relationship with Jesus. One day He is coming back and for those who “know Him,” there should be such joy that we should live every day with the excitement and innocence of Buddy the Elf in anticipation of His return. Steve Daigle, Campus Pastor, Calvary Chapel Parkland I love the inscription Clarence the Angel leaves in George Bailey’s copy of Tom Sawyer…” Remember, no man is a failure who has friends.” This has always resonated with me. Friends are the memories and events that landscape our lives. they provide the fruit, the trees, and the flowers… and sometimes the mud. The movie… “It’s a Wonderful Life!” Steve Solomon, Area Director, CBMC South Florida One of my favorite Christmas movies is “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The quote is from Clarence, George Bailey’s guardian angel. “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around, he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?” The story is a good reminder of how God has used each of us to be a light in someone’s life. He has chosen each of us to be someone’s “Clarence.” Let our lives reflect the unconditional love, mercy and grace that directs others to the Savior. Merry Christmas. Tewannah Aman, Executive Director, Broward Right to Life Wants to Know… Coach Rick Andreassen Romney C. Rogers Scott Manor Steve Daigle Steve Solomon Tewannah Aman Milan Stefanovic Milan Stefanovic Nancy Robin Oksana Horton O'Neal Dozier Ray Monteleone