Good News - April 2023

OUT AND ABOUT 40 APRIL 2023 Good News • South Florida Edition The Hannah’s Home of SouthFloridaFourthAnnualGala, Reaching for the Stars, broke fundraising records for the organization with more than $500,000 ingrossproceeds.Held onMarch 2 at the Pelican Club in Jupiter, the gala gathered nearly 340 supporters and guests. The event was chaired by former Tequesta mayor, Abby Brennan andGeorgeG. Gentile, president of 2GHO, andStephanieMitrione, SouthFloridacommunity relations specialist served as honorary cochairs. “Setting records is gratifying, but more important is the lifeline this fundraising provides to young pregnant women who have nowhere else to turn,” said Abby Brennan. “True to this year’s theme,weareempowering these courageous women to reach for the stars and achieve their dreams.” Hannah’s Home is in the midst of a $14 million capital campaign to add a two-story dormitory and four transition cottages for fourmothersand their babies. Hannah’s Home offers a two-year residential program that provides food, lodging, clothing, andmedical care at no cost to its residents. LoveLife is looking for LifeRiders to help support and expand its ministry in themission field of women and families incrisispregnancies,with LifeRide USA! Nationally, Love Life is launching a 3,400 mile bike ride experienceacross thecountry, kicking off in Corona Del Mar, California, on the National Day of Prayer, May 4, 2023. Approximately 60 days later, riders will cross the finish line in Charleston, South Carolina. Bernie Diaz, a missionary and Director for Donor Care of Love Life South Florida, said, “The call to join LifeRide implores participants to get off the sideline and become more active in their faith by bike riding for life or to support the campaign by becoming a South Florida (‘So FLO’) sponsor for the ‘So. FLO Riders team.’ Love Life has been uniting and mobilizing the church to create a cultureof loveand life thatwill bringan end to abortion and the orphan crisis. Visit Hannah’s Home Gala Raises Record Amount LifeRide USA Raises Funds to Promote Life Bernie Diaz Abby Brennan, Tania Rogers, Joanne Dively