GoodNews Florida

teens, June 23-30, 8 DAYS / 7 NIGHTS, at the Embassy Suites Deerfield Beach, 950 S Ocean Dr, Deerfield Beach, FL. Register at . June 28 Out of the Miry Clay If you have been in prison and would like godly ac- countability and edification, join Out of the Miry Clay on the last Thursday of the month from 6:30 – 8 p.m. Call 954-806-2993 or visit . June 29 Creation Studies Institute Join Creation Studies Insti- tute on the last Friday of each month at 7 p.m. as we explore different relevant sci- ence topics from a Christian perspective. At the Creation Discovery Museum, 2701 W. Cypress Creek Rd. Ft. Laud- erdale. Details: www.cre- or call 954-771-1652. June 30 ArtWalk New art exhibits, local artists and artisans, takes place on every last Saturday of the month, except the month of December. It will take place from 6 – 11 p.m. at FATVil- lage, Fort Lauderdale, 21 NW 1st Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Visit walk/ for more information. For recurring weekly events and support groups, visit good- 49 JUNE 2018 EVENTS &RORVVLDQV ‡ ³$9´ UDWHG E\ SHHUV 0DUWLQGDOH +XEEHOO ‡ \HDUV VHUYLFH LQ 6RXWK )ORULGD ‡ 5HDO HVWDWH FRQWUDFWV FORVLQJV DQG WLWOH ‡ %XVLQHVV FRXQVHOLQJ ‡ ,QFRUSRUDWLRQV //&¶V /LPLWHG SDUWQHUVKLSV ‡ &RQWUDFW SUHSDUDWLRQ ‡ %XVLQHVV DQG FRQWUDFW GLVSXWHV ‡ 5HDO HVWDWH GLVSXWHV DQG OLWLJDWLRQ ‡ /DQGORUG 7HQDQW 1((' &2816(/,1*" &DOO OLYLQJZDWHUFKULVWLDQFRXQVHOLQJ RUJ 1 1RE +LOO 5G 7DPDUDF )/ %.1 ,.1$ (-%.1, 3(.- ȃ ȃ %1($-#2.%'./$ "., 6((.,1* 0$/( 92/817((56 DW +RSH :RPHQśV &HQWHUV +HOS PDNH D GLƨHUHQFH IRU /,)( %HFRPH D YROXQWHHU DQG KHOS PHQ PDNH LQIRUPHG GHFLVLRQV UHJDUGLQJ XQSODQQHG SUHJQDQFLHV GE= D=9JF O@9L AL E=9FK LG := 9 ;DA=FL 9<NG;9L= >GJ E=F AF GMJ ;=FL=JK $=9JF @GO QGM ;9F =F;GMJ9?= 9F< =IMAH L@=E LG E9C= AF>GJE=< <=;AKAGFK 9:GML DA>=