Good News FL

CHURCH GUARDIAN TRAINING Official NRA advanced con- cealed carry firearm training. Nationally recognized official NRA certificates of training is- sued upon successful course completion. Group rates. In- Gauge of Polk County, Winter Haven, [email protected] 863-206-1996. TAX RETURN PREPARATION 2018 Tax Filing Season is HERE! For all your 1040 Individ- ual income tax return prepara- tion and e-filing needs, please call Jeffrey A. Smith, CPA at 954-253-4528. GHOSTWRITER I can write your book or movie. Wrote 36+ books and 5 screen- plays. Get your message seen and inspire others worldwide. Get published. Don Cell: 718- 932-7720 West Palm Beach. PRIVATE PIANO/ VOICE LESSONS Local well-known teacher Mr. Bennett (Bennett Teaching Stu- dios) All Styles. Children and Adults 954-485-0065 message 954-995-6424 text 24-HOUR IN-HOME COMPANION Looking for peace of mind home care? Light housekeeping, Er- rands, Doctor’s’ appointments, Social outings and more. Call 954-383-2214 KENNY’S HOME REPAIRS & REMODELING Tile, drywall, closets, baths, kitchens, shelves, doors. 20+ yrs exp. Licensed and Insured. CC#16-RIR-20210-X. Refer- ences avail. On-time appoint- ments! Guaranteed work. Serving homeowners, property managers & real estate agents. KennysHomeRe- [email protected] 954-859-7077. MARBLE & TERRAZZO RESTORATION/ FLOODCARE American Stone Kare is a qual- ity marble & stone restoration co. w/ over 25 years in the stone trade. We restore floors, vanity tops, showers & work on mar- ble, granite, terrazzo, ceramic, porcelain, Mexican clay, satur- nia, travertine, limestone, etc. Call Michael Novick at 954-935- 5977 or 561-391-6362. PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS Lessons for Piano, Guitar, Brass, Woodwinds; All ages; 6 days a week; at First Baptist in Boca Raton. Please con- tact: Jubilee at: 561-325-0223 or [email protected] for more information and visit the website at: MOVING COMPANY Right Way Moving is family owned and proudly serving South Florida for 30 years, so make your next Move the Right Way. Call Kyle 954-346-6683. 51 FEBRUARY 2018 CLASSIFIEDS 0<5,$0 )(55(,5$ %HDXWLIXO +DQGZRYHQ &ORWKLQJ DQG +DQGFUDIWHG $FFHVVRULHV $OO WKLQJV KDQG KDV PDGH ,VDLDK P\ULDPIHUUHLUD#KRWPDLO FRP KDQGZRYHQFUDIW FRP IDFHERRN FRP 0\ULDP ( )HUUHLUD 1((' &2816(/,1*" &DOO OLYLQJZDWHUFKULVWLDQFRXQVHOLQJ RUJ 1 1RE +LOO 5G 7DPDUDF )/ 7i…>Ûi Lii˜ ÃiÀۈ˜} œÕÀ VÕÃ̜“iÀà ˆŽi v>“ˆÞ ȘVi £™™Ç° YYY DGFUDGUVDCTICKP EQO 9G YKNN DGCV CP[DQF[ U RTKEG 5HDG 2XU ([FHOOHQW 3DWLHQW 5HYLHZV RQ *RRJOH (YHU\ &KLOG 6KRXOG 5HFHLYH $Q 2UWKRGRQWLF (YDOXDWLRQ %\ $JH 'HERUDK $ )HUUHU '0' 06 Œ“ž‡‘–‚—Œ’‘‚ •—‹’†’‘—Œ– ::: ($67257+2'217,&6 &20 'U )HUUHU 'U +HUUHUR 0XVW EH SUHVHQWHG DW WLPH RI VHUYLFH &DQ QRW EH FRPELQHG ZLWK RWKHU RIIHUV 7KH VHUYLFH \RX ZDQW IURP WKH SHRSOH \RX NQRZ ZZZ LNHVFDUWHUSRROV FRP ‡ OEFV RUJ ‡ OEFDQGV#JPDLO FRP RU ZULWH WR XV )25 $ )5(( &$7$/2* &217$&7 86 $7 '(*5((6 7KURXJK &RUUHVSRQGHQFH $662&,$7( 7+528*+ 3+ ' &5(',7 )25 /,)( (;3(5,(1&( 6 6XQFRDVW %OYG +RPRVDVVD )/ 6WXG\ $W <RXU 2ZQ 3DFH /LEHUW\ %LEOH &ROOHJH 6HPLQDU\