Good News Florida

SHOPPING CENTER ROOF MAINTENANCE Over 15 years specializing in Maintaining strip malls, Commercial property roofs (roof repair Including : Roof leaks, Flashings:-(ACs, Parapets , exhaust vents, AP vents, plumbing stacks) clean and haul debris, AC drain line repair. Call 954-478-8541. ARE YOU WAITING TOO LONG? KEEP YOUR LEGACY Requieres una poliza de Funebres, Vida, Anuali- dades, Cancer, Hospital- izacion, Medicare, Plan de Farmacia PartD. Salud Critico, favor pedir cotiza- cion. Need a Funeral Ad- vantage Policy, Life, Annuity, CancerPlan, Ma- jorHospital Plan, Medicare, 294-4984 UNITED MANAGED CARE ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP, INC. Dining, information, enter- tainment, and dancing. Our mission: to provide respite and recognition for the over- worked Caregiver. Speak- ers; United States Federal Judge, the Honorable Nor- man O. Hemming. $60, 7 pm. Contact 954-627-2993 or 954-296-6375. TYPING & TRANSLATING BILINGUAL English and Spanish. I can type, write, and translate your book manuscript, let- ters, resume, business in- formation, papers, and documents. Cell English: 718-932-7720/Cell Spanish: 347-374-1030. MOVING COMPANY Right Way Moving is family owned and proudly serving South Florida for 30 years, so make your next Move the Right Way. Call Kyle 954-346-6683. MARBLE & TERRAZZO RESTORATION/ FLOOR CARE American Stone Kare is a quality marble & stone restoration co. w/ over 25 years in the stone trade. We restore floors, vanity tops, showers & work on marble, granite, terrazzo, ceramic, porcelain, Mexican clay, sat- urnia, travertine, limestone, etc. Call Michael Novick at 954-935-5977 or 561-391-6362. KENNY’S HOME RE- PAIRS & REMODELING Tile, drywall, closets, baths, kitchens, shelves, doors. 20+ yrs exp. Licensed and Insured. CC#16-RIR- 20210-X. References avail. On-time appointments! Guaranteed work. Serving homeowners, property managers & real estate agents. KennysHomeRe- [email protected] 954-859-7077. 51 NOVEMBER 2017 CLASSIFIEDS ‡5RRI OHDNV ‡5HPRYLQJ GHEULV ‡5HSDLU ZDOO IODVKLQJV 6+233,1* &(17(5 522) 0$,17(1$1&( 2YHU \HDUV VSHFLDOL]LQJ LQ 0DLQWDLQLQJ VWULS PDOOV DQG &RPPHUFLDO SURSHUW\ URRIV $7/$6 522),1* &DOO 7RP IRU DOO \RXU 5RRILQJ 1HHGV /,&(16(' $1' ,1685(' ‡5HSDLU $ & GUDLQ OLQHV ‡)LOOLQJ SLWFK SDQV ‡*XWWHU FOHDQLQJ OEFV RUJ ‡ OEFDQGV#JPDLO FRP RU ZULWH WR XV )25 $ )5(( &$7$/2* &217$&7 86 $7 '(*5((6 7KURXJK &RUUHVSRQGHQFH $662&,$7( 7+528*+ 3+ ' &5(',7 )25 /,)( (;3(5,(1&( 6 6XQFRDVW %OYG +RPRVDVVD )/ 6WXG\ $W <RXU 2ZQ 3DFH /LEHUW\ %LEOH &ROOHJH 6HPLQDU\