Good News Florida

LOCAL 40 NOVEMBER 2017 Good News • Broward Edition Revelation Ministries, a Christian performing arts group fromSoutheast Florida, has an- nounced it’s Christmas per- formance schedule of “The Gospel According to Scrooge” and plans for a major mission trip to the Middle East this sum- mer. The news comes following the passing of the organiza- tion’s founder and executive di- rector, Travis Johnson. Johnson was production manager at First Baptist Church of Fort Lauderdale for about 15 years before found- ing Revelation Ministries, which has shared the gospel with music and drama locally and in Ukraine, Russia, Eng- land and Israel. “I called him the gentle giant because he was so soft spoken, so humble and yet so accomplished,” said Oksana Horton, artistic director, re- garding Johnson. “He often said, ‘I’m sharing the gospel. I’m not here to perform for people;’ he never wanted that compromised,” she added. Horton said they hope to follow through with Johnson’s plans to perform “He Lives!” where Jesus walked in Nazareth, Bethlehem and Jerusalem. They are still look- ing for additional cast and crew for this trip of a lifetime mission trip and raising funds for the journey. Consisting mainly of tal- ented volunteers from a num- ber of Southeast Florida churches, Revelation Min- istries shares the love of Jesus through a variety of family, faith based produc- tions, using music, drama and dance to reach the lost with the powerful saving knowl- edge of Jesus Christ. To date, the Revelation cast and crew have put on seven original productions in- cluding “He Lives!” at churches, universities, correc- tional facilities, homeless shelters, and retirement cen- ters. They’ve also taken their message abroad. During the holidays, they will perform two presentations of “The Gospel According to Scrooge,” appearing at 7 p.m. on December 2 at Pompano Beach Church of the Nazarene, 916 N.E. 4 St., Pompano Beach, and at 7:30 p.m. on De- cember 8 at Trinity Lutheran Church and School, 400 N. Swinton Ave., Delray Beach. Through their dramatic and musical presentation of the good news of Jesus, thou- sands have experienced and received Christ as their Lord and Savior. They hope to continue this good work begun by Travis Johnson in 1996 in Is- rael in 2018. For more infor- mation concerning their upcoming performances or to contribute to their ministry goal for this summer, visit their website at www.revelation- Revelation Ministries Plans Christmas Performances and Trip to Israel Shelly Pond Good News /RFDWHG DFURVV IURP +RO\ &URVV +RVSLWDO 1 )HGHUDO +LJKZD\ )RUW /DXGHUGDOH )/ &RXSRQV FDQ RQO\ EH XVHG DW WKLV ORFDWLRQ $1< 25'(5 29(5 JHW VL[ IUHH JDUOLF UROOV RU RQH GHVVHUW %8< 21( 68% *(7 6(&21' 68% )5(( ZLWK WKH SXUFKDVH RI WZR EHYHUDJHV 21( /$5*( 3,==$ WZR WRSSLQJ SLFN XS 21/< *5$1' 23(1,1* 63(&,$/6 ([SLUHV ([SLUHV ([SLUHV